With your generous support,

our shared history will become

our shared future.

Please note: This event is not associated with a 501(c)(3) organization. Therefore, contributions are not eligible for tax deduction. Online transactions will incur a 2.9% processing fee.

Prefer to mail a check?

Please email us using the contact form so we know it’s coming.

Payable to: Jennifer Peregrin
Memo: Jacuzzi Family Reunion

Mail to: Jennifer Peregrin
1363 11th Ct. N
Naples, FL 34102


  • As soon as possible! We’ve confirmed the dates (July 6-7) and location (Cline Family Cellars) and are working hard to raise enough money to host fabulous family gatherings.

    Please be on the lookout for email updates. In the meantime, thank you for your generous support!

  • More than 200 of us responded to the Jacuzzi Family Reunion survey, and we hope you’ll share this site with anyone in our family who would like to participate. As soon as possible, a registration link will be live so that we can track the exact number of participants. Please look for email updates.

  • Yes, absolutely. There will be family-themed crafts and games for all ages. Depending on how much money we raise, we hope to have a bounce house and more.

  • Please see our recommendations on the homepage. We’ve secured hotel blocks with discounted rates in Sonoma and Petaluma. Other options include local residential rentals found on Airbnb and VRBO.